Wednesday, March 19, 2008

L - I - G - H -T ! ! !

I am going to try to write about this even though it is still going on and will keep going for days, I know.

Last night I experienced something so incredible. Outside, after dark, under the stars and in the light of the almost full moon, bundled up in a thick jacket, hat, gloves and under a thick blanket and some pillows, I laid in a big hammock under the big, old willow trees by the dried up pond, with my magical black cat on my belly. This I do regularly. I like laying in a hammock after dark under the stars for a while, especially if there is a moon. My cat finds me and comes and lays with me.

Last night, a much usual night, happened a much unusual thing to me. As I laid there with my cat hoping not to get a chill like I do most evenings if I stay long enough, both the cat and I merged into the Great Light. Slowly, at first not really noticeable, we glided into a complete Oneness with the Supreme Light. It was like a great and perfect trance, PERFECT. The stillness was complete and the brilliance was complete, the Light was complete. I know I have experienced this many times before but not been able to remain conscious like last night. I have merged into the Great Light many times but always falling asleep or going unconscious first. This time, last night, it took place with me remaining awake and in the body. Supreme and perfect Oneness with the Great Light. I was there for about an hour. I don't have to mention it was sublime.

I have experienced Oneness with the void, with the Absolute, and oneness with all of creation, literal and energetic. This was something else. Perfect Light, oneness with the Light.

This is doing something to me. Right away I felt really different, REALLY different. I was feeling it all night. I have been feeling it all day. I feel it physically. I don't know exactly what it is doing to me, but it is changing me, physically, biologically, organically, cellularly, molecularly. I know it is not about the above or any other dimension or something outside of myself. I can feel that it is organic, something that has come alive within or been activated in my energy systems and boy, does it shine!! It is a continuous experience, it doesn't stop, it goes on and on.

I don't know what this is or how it happened. I have no teacher to ask. As time goes by I am sure more will reveal itself about the whole thing, what this brings or makes. I have not stopped feeling it since it happened and the strange this is . . . today I feel normal, back to normal again, for the first time in 15 years, even with all this Light, normal. And that feels great !!!