Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Great big sign finally.

After over two years in Sedona and not having a clue what I was doing here and no life what so ever opening up for me here ever . . . and wanting to go but that not either appearing to be possible, for all this time. I had wondered if I was not supposed to be here for whatever reason. I doubted that we were in fact ever going to leave.

I have not connected with any community, no activities, made no friends, have done really nothing, no sightseeing, hiking or exploring, just working or resting deeply. I haven't even bought one souvenir. I have really not tapped into this town what so ever, not at all. (The mountains, yes, the town, no.) And I was wondering.

So, recently we reconnected with some people who I felt would be our connection into the Sedona scene. I felt this could be the opening into us having something to do with this place and it's inhabitants. So we were going to get together with these new people . . . and each day they canceled with us and resceduled for the next day. Day after day. Now a week has gone by and we have not seen them still.

So, today I realize that we are actually not going to connect or work together and probably we are finally leaving this hole and that my life is waiting for me somewhere else and that as soon as I get there I will have a real life. Can't wait to go. Now I feel really released from here. Just a great sign that we are not connected in any way to this place. Just passing through, like we first planned and we are still on our journey.

It's been restful and tranquil bordering on intense boredom. But now, there is nothing in my mind that tells me that maybe we are supposed to do something here. I'm telling you. This place is boring. And goodbye.