Monday, February 11, 2008

Cryptic attack and learning.

Cryptic is stalking me.

Wanting to show me something, forcing it, sometimes violently on me. I've been looking at it through my mind, my heart, my eyes, my soul, my spirit, my consciousness and my awareness and it still doesn't make sense. I don't know what else in me can see this straight on and comprehend it clearly.

Intense insanity surround me and I have fought it until now when I realize I must have this experience to the fullest before it will release me, before it changes. Just have the experience. So I will now experience it without resistance.

Cryptic is an odd messenger indeed. Perhaps showing me, pointing at / pointing out, the place within me from which I will be able to deal with the worst in man.

Cryptic attacks me when I look at the world through usual perspective, through ordinary eyes, through kindness and love, easy like. Now when I see him for what he is, a nasty spirit of confrontation and attack, maybe he will react to me differently. I can finally see that I must look at the spirit behind all things, A - L - L things, where the true reaction and behavior comes from.

I am sure there is a whole lot more I will be made to see before Cryptic will go away and leave me alone.

Like a demonic, standing over me and spewing fire over my head.

I must see deeper into things before I can handle the world of power better still.

He wants so desperately to show me something and I don't know yet with what to see, with what to perceive it . . . but it will have to do with power of magic, I'm sure.