Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Letter to Tyrus. Tumblin'.

I tumbled into a house in uptown Sedona, friends of D.'s. It is unfurnished so I sleep on a mattress in the middle of the living room under the cathedral ceiling. Huge windows and views of the red rock mountains. The people worship cats and are into ancient Egypt. They painted Egyptian symbols and images on the walls in the whole house and then painted over them. You can't see them but you can feel them. I feel like I am sleeping in the temple.

I am no longer making plans for my life, for anything, and doubt I ever will again. This experience brought me to where I feel I was meant to be, finally. I was in the tumbler and fell out cathartically into some sort of new. It's cool. I flow, I float, I watch, I observe. I go with the story. We'll see where it takes "me", or the Harmony. I don't really care any more. I lost grip of the outer and swim eternally in the oceans of Bliss. There are things I want but as they once said; "God can imagine for you better than you can imagine for yourself." So I let it go.