Saturday, November 29, 2008

Sedona Buddhist stupa.

So . . . I finally found my way up to the Buddhist stupa here in West Sedona. It's just up the road from my house, a nice little walk up towards the red rock mountains, Thunder mountain in fact. On a sunny winter day like today it is especially nice to visit up there.

I sat for a while and watched people and dogs come and go and after some time I had some alone time there all to my self. Sitting under a roofed patio, in the shade away from the sun I could feel the energy of the stupa. I am surprised my hair didn't stand straight back on my head, like it does in hard wind. The energy was that powerful. I could feel the energy of compassion and at one point I felt as if my whole body was taking in mother's milk. I felt as if I was being nurtured and nourished and I couldn't get enough of it. Similar to the deeksha I have been getting on Monday evenings, but also different.

I thought I couldn't get enough of it and thought I wouldn't be able to leave and didn't know how long I would have to sit there, but all of a sudden it was over and I could go home. It's like I was dispensed a dose, and then it was done. Very cool.

They plan to build a meditation hall, an activities center and gardens up there. That would be nice. The place is extraordinary. If you visit, do check it out.