Monday, February 4, 2008

Forever love.

I don't know why, after such a spiritual / energetic transformation, one experiences such love, so easily, tenderly and perfectly; so much love, all the time love, sweetest, perfect love.
I don't know where it comes from exactly - from within, from above, from spirit, from the divine realms, higher dimensions, a manifestation of truth . . . ???

I was told once, when I asked, that love is not an emotion but is a building block of creation. (I know, sounds, ohm, and mathematics also build creation, build matter.) I used to feel as if this love came from somewhere, now it feels like it's just there, revealing itself more and more clearly, precisely, perfectly and deeply. It is somehow a movement of divinity in matter, Mother's breath. It feels divine, it feels godly.

They say: "You are love." Yeah, but so what? Why and from where and how does it work and why again? I have a forever and hopelessly inquisitive, questioning spirit, restless in asking and figuring. I crave to know how things work.

Love was obviously always there, flowing through the universe, all grids. As I cracked and unified with the Greater Whole my union revealed the make - up of the manifest, but still I wonder, why so much love and where does it come from?

It used to be an experience, something felt, humongously or easily. Now it seems an effortless presence; not reality, not something that moves through reality; it's just there, as a still and overwhelming presence. All the time more easily perceived through my feelers, through my senses, as my own body and energy field is ever lighter by the continuous melting away of "stuff", patterns, "karma", past life influences.

I know this is a growing experience, an experience that will become more and more, bigger and bigger. Somehow I am imagining this form, Harmony, will begin to move in ways that send this love out, that expresses this love in ways that are meant to be, in hopefully bigger and bigger gestures, or maybe just in still beingness, in the presence of Presence. We'll see.